Department of Educator and Leadership Preparation
The Educator and Leadership Preparation Department exemplifies equity and empathy while promoting academic inquiry and rigor to positively impact community and schools by preparing professionals in education who represent our shared values.
The Educator and Leadership Preparation Department cultivates professionals in education who promote a culture of equity and community, thus maximizing teaching and learning for all.
Diversity, Equity, Empathy, Care, Professionalism, Integrity, and Community.
Contact Information
Dr. Esther Garza
Department Chair
Senator Frank L. Madla Building 221
Graduate Admission Categories
Admission Cycles
To ensure students can enter and exit the program using the recommended sequence of courses, the following programs limit admission to the following terms. Students can be accepted into the program at any time with their admission term listed below.
- The Educational Diagnostician Program uses fall admission only.
- Bilingual Education, Master of Science
- Early Childhood, Master of Education
- Educational Administration - Superintendency, Certification Only
- Educational Administration, Master of Arts
- Educational Administration, Principal Certification Only
- Educational Diagnostician, Certificate
- Special Education, Master of Education
Bilingual Education
Code | Title | Credits |
EDBL 5305 | Graduate Research Project | 3 |
EDBL 5306 | Thesis | 3 |
EDBL 5321 | Intro Research Bil Educ & ESL | 3 |
EDBL 5331 | ESL Assmnt for Elem/Sec Lvls | 3 |
EDBL 5334 | Introduction to Linguistics | 3 |
EDBL 5336 | Diff Inst Mtrl for Ele/Sec Cls | 3 |
EDBL 5338 | Foundations of Bilingual Educ | 3 |
EDBL 5358 | Bil Chld Biculture Env | 3 |
EDBL 5367 | Lang Acquisition & Developmnt | 3 |
EDBL 5377 | Teach Engl as a Second Lang | 3 |
EDBL 5386 | Math Sci and SS in Bil Clsrm | 3 |
EDBL 5387 | Lang Arts and Read in Bil Clsr | 3 |
EDBL 5390 | Spec Prob Blngl Ed Stdy Abrd | 3 |
Early Childhood
Code | Title | Credits |
EDEC 5305 | Graduate Research Project | 3 |
EDEC 5306 | Thesis | 3 |
EDEC 5310 | Infant/Toddler/Preschool/Famly | 3 |
EDEC 5312 | Undrstnd/Value Young Child/Fam | 3 |
EDEC 5314 | Fndtns Ed Research:Early Chldh | 3 |
EDEC 5315 | Advocacy | 3 |
EDEC 5317 | Expl: Inq App in Teach Soc Stu | 3 |
EDEC 5318 | Invstgs: Inq Appr to Teach Sci | 3 |
EDEC 5319 | Const Dev App Exp in Mathem | 3 |
EDEC 5320 | Critical Approaches to Literacy in Early Childhood | 3 |
EDEC 5330 | Assessment Pract-Early Child | 3 |
EDEC 5333 | Foundations Early Childhood | 3 |
EDEC 5334 | Prof Lab Exper Early Ch Ed | 3 |
EDEC 5335 | Intergrated Curriculm EC Educ | 3 |
EDEC 5349 | Play in the Early Years | 3 |
EDEC 5353 | STEM-Early Childhood Classroom | 3 |
EDEC 5355 | Humanities in Early Childhood | 3 |
EDEC 5360 | Incorp Play in EC Curriculum | 3 |
EDEC 5361 | Special Problems in EC Educ | 3 |
EDEC 5367 | Foundations of EC Curriculum | 3 |
EDEC 5370 | Research in Early Childhood | 3 |
Education Field Residency
Code | Title | Credits |
EDFR 5110 | GTCP Field Observation | 1 |
EDFR 5304 | GTCP Internship | 3 |
EDFR 5330 | Instructional Design | 3 |
EDFR 5331 | Classroom Mgmt & Discipline | 3 |
EDFR 5332 | Assessment Development | 3 |
EDFR 5333 | Professional Roles and Responsiblities | 3 |
EDFR 5610 | Clinical Teaching | 6 |
Educational Administration
Code | Title | Credits |
EDAD 5301 | Behav and Org Found of Educ | 3 |
EDAD 5302 | Elem and Secondary Curricula | 3 |
EDAD 5305 | Graduate Research Project | 3 |
EDAD 5306 | Thesis | 3 |
EDAD 5307 | Sch Admin Advance Problems | 3 |
EDAD 5311 | Secondary School Curr:Probs | 3 |
EDAD 5312 | Supervision Advanced Problems | 3 |
EDAD 5313 | Sch Admin Public Sch Fin | 3 |
EDAD 5315 | Admin of Various Specl Progrm | 3 |
EDAD 5317 | Workshop: Adv School Prob | 3 |
EDAD 5320 | Education Special Problems | 3 |
EDAD 5329 | Educational Research | 3 |
EDAD 5330 | Multicultural Ed for Educators | 3 |
EDAD 5341 | School Administration | 3 |
EDAD 5342 | Princplshp in Elem and Sec Scl | 3 |
EDAD 5343 | Administration: Secondary Educ | 3 |
EDAD 5344 | Supervision | 3 |
EDAD 5345 | Internship in School Administration | 3 |
EDAD 5351 | Staff and Pupil Personnel Adm | 3 |
EDAD 5352 | Facilities Planning | 3 |
EDAD 5381 | Admin and Mgmt of Spec Problms | 3 |
EDAD 5382 | School Public Relations | 3 |
EDAD 5383 | Public School Law | 3 |
EDAD 5384 | Adv Prob in Superintendency | 3 |
EDAD 5385 | Superintendency Internship | 3 |
Code | Title | Credits |
EDED 5304 | Grad Teacher Cert Internship | 3 |
EDED 5307 | Novice Teacher Induct Seminar | 3 |
EDED 5310 | Microcomputers in Education | 3 |
EDED 5329 | Educational Research | 3 |
EDED 5351 | Science Mthd for Mid & Sec Lvl | 3 |
EDED 5352 | Math Mthds Middle & Sec Levels | 3 |
EDED 5354 | Social Std Mthds Mid & Sec Lvl | 3 |
EDED 5355 | Lang Arts Mthds: Mid & Sec Lvl | 3 |
EDED 5361 | Math & Science Mthds EC & Elem | 3 |
EDED 5362 | Engl & Soc Std Mthds EC & Elem | 3 |
EDED 5363 | Human Dev & Lrng Thry Children | 3 |
EDED 5364 | Human Dev & Lrng Thry Adoles | 3 |
EDED 5366 | Instr Strat & Clssrm Mgmt Elem | 3 |
EDED 5367 | Inst Strat & Clssrm Mgmt Scdry | 3 |
EDED 5368 | Human Dev & Learning Theories | 3 |
EDED 5369 | Instr Strategies/Classrm Mgmt | 3 |
EDED 5371 | Dynamics of Teaching | 3 |
Special Education
Code | Title | Credits |
EDSE 5301 | Research in Spec Education | 3 |
EDSE 5305 | Graduate Research Project | 3 |
EDSE 5306 | Thesis | 3 |
EDSE 5308 | Research Seminar: Gifted Educ | 3 |
EDSE 5309 | Special Problems | 3 |
EDSE 5321 | Accom Diverse Pop in Classroom | 3 |
EDSE 5322 | Ed Test & Measure of Exc Lrnr | 3 |
EDSE 5324 | Dsgn Instr & Behav Pgr Sp Pop | 3 |
EDSE 5325 | Teaching Stds Low Incd Disabil | 3 |
EDSE 5326 | Behav Aspcts of Clss Org & Mgt | 3 |
EDSE 5327 | Fed Leg, Litigation & Advocacy | 3 |
EDSE 5328 | Practicum in Special Education | 3 |
EDSE 5332 | The Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Individual | 3 |
EDSE 5335 | Education of Gifted Learners | 3 |
EDSE 5337 | Methods Teaching Gifted Stdnts | 3 |
EDSE 5350 | Education of Gifted Learners | 3 |
EDSE 5351 | Adv Behavior Analysis & Interv | 3 |
EDSE 5352 | Lang Disorders of Except Chld | 3 |
EDSE 5353 | Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Issues | 3 |
EDSE 5354 | Emotional Behavior Disorders | 3 |
EDSE 5355 | Assmnt & Ed Proc Low Incid Pop | 3 |
EDSE 5374 | Ed & Psych Measurement & Eval | 3 |
EDSE 5375 | Spec Ed Assessment Practicum | 3 |
EDSE 5376 | Ind Psych & Educational Eval | 3 |
EDSE 5377 | ID & Services Yng Chld Spec Nd | 3 |