University Student Success (UNIV)

UNIV 1000  Academic Recovery Course  
Credits: 0 (0-0-0)

A course that assists students who are in academic jeopardy in developing strategies and life-skills that will increase their academic and personal success. Through focused discussions and activities, students will identify their areas of strength and areas in need of development. Based on these discoveries, students will develop individualized action plans that map out their personal paths to improvement. Students in UNIV 1000 will actively work to improve their academic standing by completing self-assessments, using various forms of technology, and working with their instructor and academic coaches. Students will be required to connect with the campus and community resources as they execute their self-improvement plans and to engage in activities on Canvas.


UNIV 1101  Jaguar Tracks I  
Credit: 1 (1-0-0)

The focus of this course is discovering students' place on campus where students will demonstrate knowledge of university services and resources, develop self-awareness and personal responsibility, and become active members of the campus community. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Math, and Writing

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

UNIV 1301  First Year Seminar  
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

This course is designed to assist first-year students in adjusting to university expectations through enhancing quantitative reasoning skills and acquiring essential skills for academic success.

Restrictions: Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate level students.

UNIV 2101  Jaguar Tracks II  
Credit: 1 (1-0-0)

The focus of this course is discovering globalization and diversity through the lens of them-based curriculum where students will demonstrate knowledge of diverse points of view, develop global perspective, and become active members of the broader community. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Math, and Writing

Prerequisites: 30 or more earned academic semester credit hours.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

UNIV 3101  Jaguar Tracks III  
Credit: 1 (1-0-0)

The focus of this course is discovering students’ place in a disciplinary discussion where students will demonstrate knowledge of discipline-specific academic resources, develop major issues within the discipline, and become active members of the community within the discipline. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Math, and Writing

Prerequisites: Junior standing.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.

UNIV 4101  Jaguar Tracks IV  
Credit: 1 (1-0-0)

The focus of this course is discovering students’ place in a professional field where students will demonstrate knowledge of professional expectations and resources, demonstrate growth over their university experience, and become active members in their profession. TSI Restriction(s): Reading, Math, and Writing

Prerequisites: Senior standing.

Restrictions: Graduate level students may not enroll.