Mandatory Fees
Note: All fees are payable at registration.
International Education Fee
This fee is charged at a flat rate of $3 per semester. Funds are used to support cultural diversity within the student body and to enhance student knowledge of other countries through international study and scholarships.
Rec Sports Fee
This fee is charged at a flat rate of $100 for fall or spring and $50 for summer. Funds are used to cover expenses for the Jaguar Fitness Center, development of intramural, extramural, and club sports, development of group and individual fitness programs, purchase of recreational and fitness equipment, professional and student staffing, and development of indoor and outdoor recreational space.
Athletic Fee
This fee will be used to support the Athletic Department and entitle free admission to all varsity and recreational sports, athletic contests and other special activities.
Student Services Fee
This fee is used to support student activities and support services including Student Government Association and student organizations.
University Services Fee
This fee will be used to cover expenses for the following items: academic advising, library services, transcripts, student IDs, distance learning, campus safety and security, transportation, information technology, course fees, and other university services as required.
Lab Fee
This fee is used to cover the general cost of laboratory materials and supplies used by a student. Laboratory fees are assessed in an amount that is not less than $2 nor more than $30 for any one semester or summer term for a student in any one laboratory course, except that the amount of the laboratory fee may not exceed the cost of actual materials and supplies used by the student.